Asbestos Testing Fundamentals: When To Consider Testing Services

Most everyone is familiar with what asbestos is, and what dangers it can pose. Unfortunately, many people also mistakenly believe that asbestos is a thing of the past and not something worthy of any concern or attention in current times. The truth is that asbestos is still a real concern because it does still exist in some structures. That's why it's important that you consider periodic asbestos testing services. Here's a look at some of the times when you should think about having asbestos testing done.

Is The Home Or Building Older?

If the building or house in question was built in or before the 1980s, it's important that you are attentive to the risk for asbestos exposure. Even if you haven't had any issues up to now, many of the fireproofing materials and drywall components that were used during that time contained asbestos. As those materials age, they will crumble and lead to dust particles being released into the air. That's why prior clear asbestos testing shouldn't be a point of reference with an older structure. The asbestos levels in the environment can change rapidly, so consider periodic testing when you own a structure that's more than a couple of decades old.

Are You Planning Any Kind Of Renovation?

Another important time to consider asbestos testing is before you do any kind of remodeling or renovation. This also includes any general demolition because asbestos particles can easily become airborne and spread during a demolition project. You'll want to be sure that you clearly identify all of the areas where work will be happening when you talk with the asbestos testing contractors so that you can be sure that all of your bases are covered.

Has Anybody Been Sick?

If any of the residents or tenants in the building have been struggling with respiratory symptoms that could potentially be connected with asbestos exposure, you'll want to consider having the property tested. This is an important step to rule out the risk of asbestos as the cause of the symptoms.

Are You Generally Concerned?

Regardless of whether or not you have any other specific reasons for needing an asbestos test, you can have asbestos testing conducted at any time and for any reason. If you're simply generally concerned about your property's safety and you want to monitor the environment for asbestos exposure to provide you with peace of mind, you can talk with an asbestos testing contractor about your needs.

These are some of the key times to consider requesting asbestos testing for your building. Talk with a testing company, like Sharpe Brothers, Ltd., today for more help and information.
